Do i need a website for my business
or should I re-design my website?
- September 2, 2021
- Aditama

Website for business, is that mean website is only mean for business only? No, we have nothing against anybody who wanted to have a website for non-business related purpose. It is just easier for us to measure our goals when it comes to business orientation.
What does matter is where we should begin. For what ever your intention are, please keep in mind that you should start with your goal, what are you trying to achieve with your website. Whether you already owned a website, or just started the great idea of having a website, here are some points you might need to take in consideration
Having a business website is the same principle as opening a new office branch, your website is your business online representative. Of course, for whatever it takes, you would want your business to look good, professional and as strong as your brand. Your website design should be able to speak loud to represent your company identity.
The main goal of a business website is of course to be able to sell. It can be your products or your service. But before you go there, make use of your website as the source of your business information. Let your customer know about your company, what are you trying to sell. Convince them before closing the deal. Your customer will seek for all information about you from your website before decided to buy from you, an it is important for you to provide enough information to persuade their decision.
A well organized website ensure a convenient access for users. Every bits of information must be clear and easy to found. Avoid redundancy and un-clear navigation that only confuse and frustrate visitors. Spending more time to plan your website structure will reward you a higher spend-time on your website. Which means happier visitor, that brings you closer to your goal.
A website
Most of the times, images, scripts and colors are being used to dress-up create impression of a website. Choose wisely, do not over use them. The more stuff you add, the heavier the website will get, which leave you with a long loading website. What is the point of having an awesome website but no one patiently enough to wait to see it.
Why do you need to update your website regularly? Well, your business grow, you improve your services, you add new product, you creatively measure what your market needs. Same as your website, you need to refresh your content from time to time. But back to the basic principle, you need to feed your customer with new stuff and offers so they will keep coming back to your website. Now the big question, is your website now easy for you to update? If not, then consider to improve with CMS. Read more about CMS here.
You have implemented all the things needed for your website. It is looking good, informative, and well structured. Equipped with the latest tech in the market nowadays. Well, you have come to the final stage. Congratulation, and now it is time to test. Question the usability of your website, switch your point of view as your customer, put your self in their shoes. See if your website is able to answer to users need or not. At the end, it has to be easy and useful at the same time.
When you are done, then it's time to go online.